Saturday, April 13, 2013

Planting lotus to soil from seeds

today is the 5th day, and yesterday there were 2 seeds that germinated long enough to be ready for transferring to soil. i used a old paint bucket and added soil mixed with manure and filed it with water.

kept it for some time and later transferred the good lovely healthy seeds to it and kept both the buckets inside an old aquarium container that was lying with me from quite a long time now...filled it with fresh water and kept is a safe under the sun...

i did all that in the evening and at that time the tip of the plant was far much below (around 3 inches) the water level and when i clicked these pics in the morning, they already made it to water surface.....

 i clicked this just before planting them to soil

 this is after i placed them inside the water filled aquarium, take a closed look and you will be able to notice the tips floating on the surface..

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