Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lotus transfered to final home

it's been almost 3 weeks now and pants are healthy. have transferred them to bigger green garden tubs now. the other day i found the old fish aquarium leaking, that was late in the evening at around 11 pm. immediately i transferred the plants to buckets filled with water and day before yesterday i transferred them to bigger tubs. here are the picks...they are now in just 2 inches deep water...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Green floating leaves pics

finally the first floating leaves from all the three saplings, and second leaves are on their way to show up in a day or two.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Green Coins are out and it's a relief

finally the wait is over and i got to see the 3 lovely green coins.... now its evening and the coins have wrapped...but i will surely add the pic once i got to click the full coins...

here are the ones i clicked in morning...another good news is that now all the 3 plants have 2nd stem growing nicely to the level...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Waiting for lotus coin leaves

its 6th day, plants are now healthy and growing multiple centimeter each day.... i was waiting for the first floating leaf the entire day but no yet, however i could see the size of the leaf growing along with stem...growing the lotus means waiting long for plant and then for flowers...but i am sure its worth the wait...check the pics, 1st one was clicked in the evening and the 2nd one prior to it in the morning.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Planting lotus to soil from seeds

today is the 5th day, and yesterday there were 2 seeds that germinated long enough to be ready for transferring to soil. i used a old paint bucket and added soil mixed with manure and filed it with water.

kept it for some time and later transferred the good lovely healthy seeds to it and kept both the buckets inside an old aquarium container that was lying with me from quite a long time now...filled it with fresh water and kept is a safe under the sun...

i did all that in the evening and at that time the tip of the plant was far much below (around 3 inches) the water level and when i clicked these pics in the morning, they already made it to water surface.....

 i clicked this just before planting them to soil

 this is after i placed them inside the water filled aquarium, take a closed look and you will be able to notice the tips floating on the surface..

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Growing Lotus from seeds

Since childhood i like gardening, it feels great when i see green plants growing graciously. Nature is no doubt our best friend and worst enemy. well i can keep on writing on and on this topic. however with my new blog i wish to start sharing about my very small little garden.

the other day i was downloading a few wallpapers and found some very beautiful Lotus flower wallpapers. i was amazed to see the beauty and superiority of the plant. though i have seen the flower before but never felt so amazed nor have i seen the plant closely/commonly i thought that may be i could try planting it.  So, i started searching for the ways and means to get started.

i shared my excitement with my family and they readily agreed to support, my dad brought me some very healthy seeds. To my surprise this was easy then i expected and seeds are quite commonly available and are commonly known as Makhane in Hindi...

i selected 5 seeds and added to a glass of water and soaked overnight to find that nothing has changed, they were in the same shape. i realized that the seeds are hard coated so well that water penetration was nearly impossible. i took one of the seed and cracked it bit to open from one side.

this seed helped me understand that i needed a way to allow water penetration other wise it will be difficult for seeds to germinate. then i spend some time rubbing the tip of the seeds till a light brown colored layer started showing up...i soaked them overnight and found really beautiful green stems emerging out of big swollen seeds.. the water was all colored brown by now, so i changed it with fresh water... its been now 3 days and i have shifted all 4 seeds to a bigger glass bowl... let me show you how they look now.

i clicked the 2 pics below in the morning  and the next 2 right before this blog post....all 4 seeds have germinated by now... i will keep adding pics as they grow..